Saturday, February 10, 2007

Kuttel Daddledu? More like Kuttel DaddleDon't!

So, I sat down with Kathy to translate the "Kuttle Daddledu" fairy tales by Joachim Ringelnatz. Turns out that Ringelnatz's book Kuttle Daddledu doesn't actually have any fairy tale adaptations in it. I was able to find the German version of Ringelnatz's take on "Little Red Riding Hood" (in a collection of Ringelnatz stories called 21 Erzählungen), but I already had the English version of that in Jack Zipes' Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar Days. I wrote Prof Zipes to ask if he could direct us to some more of Ringelnatz's fairy tales, but it looks like we'll have to put this whole pursuit on hold for now...

In the meantime, Kathy's (rough-draft) translation of Ringelnatz's "The Stamp"
A male stamp experienced
Something wonderful before he was stamped.
He was licked by a Princess
And so love was awakened in him.
And he wanted to kiss her back.
But then he had to go on his journey
And so he loved her in vain.
That is the tragedy of life.

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